Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fell Off the Wagon

I have not been doing as well as I would like lately and it is time to own up to it. I have slacked at the gym and have eaten things I vowed not to. I have 63 days until my trip to Cabo San Lucas with my girlfriends, so I have made a promise to myself to reduce calories and increase exercise. This week's goal is to swim 5 miles and walk/run 10 miles. Small weekly goals are how I hope to shed the last of my unwanted weight. I am hoping that by doing this I can get rid of the remaining 25pounds that I would like to lose before my trip.
The encouraging words for my fellow community members are what have kept me going and I hope that if you are reading this and have given me positive words or encouragement over the past few months, that you have made my day and gave me the push that I have needed to hop back on the wagon when I fall off. Hats off to all of you for making a difference in someone's life...that life happens to be mine.