Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 38

Day off. These muscles having been working overtime lately and need a day of rest! I plan to use them chasing around my two babies all day! Couldn't be more excited!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 39

39 days of training remain. Today, I conquered the first two legs of my race. 18 laps in the pool (a little over 1/2 mile) and 12.6 miles on the bike. 1 hour, 8 minutes and 16 seconds. I decided to run 1/4 of a mile when I was finished with the bike to see what all the other bloggers were referring to when they talked about running with "jello" legs after getting off the bike. Wow, you hardly feel your legs for the first few minutes of running. Glad I tried it!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My First Go at a Mini Sprint!

This morning I decided that it was time to attempt a brick workout where I combined all events of my upcoming race. To my surprise, it went very well and I ended up finishing a 1.5 mile run, 5 mile bike ride and 1/2 mile swim in 50 minutes. It felt great to be able to get a taste of what is approaching and being able to accomplish this with ease was extremely motivational.

Speaking of motivation, I recently glanced at my calendar and realized that I have only 10 days to get my body ready for swimsuit season. My motivation to lose an extra 5-10 pounds in the next 10 days is higher than ever. I had a goal weight set when my girlfriends and I booked this trip 8 months ago and I am only 8 pounds away from it. Realistically, back then, I never thought I would make it. However, since I am so close, I want it BAD! So, lots of water, lots of workouts and lots of calorie counting for the next 10 days and maybe, just maybe, I will post a picture of me with a swimsuit on from my trip to Mexico!

Hasta luego, amigos!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Goodbye Dysfunctional Gallbladder! Hello Relief!

I have bittersweet feelings of letting go of my gallbladder. I recently found out that I have gallstones and need to have my gallbladder removed. While I have not had an official "gallbladder attack," I have had many symptoms that suggest removal will be beneficial. Although I hate surgery (my bitter feelings), I know that it's removal will relieve many of my sypmtoms (my sweet feelings) I have been experiencing for probably years now and my diabetes will also likely benefit...So, tomorrow, I say goodbye to an unnecessary organ in my body and hope that recovery is short and pain-free. Dr. Klenda assures me that I will not be down long and that I can soon begin training again for my upcoming triathlon. 55 short days until the big event!

I have started my brick workouts-two events a day (i.e. run 5K and bike 6 miles or run 2 miles and swim 1/2 mile). I am getting through them, but need to kick it up a notch to push myself. I am starting to get nervous about the swim portion. Thinking I need a swim coach to get me on the right track here. My freestyle needs some major improving before I race. Anyone know of a good one?!

Next time I write, I will be down an organ, but hopefully feeling much better than I currently do! Say a little prayer that all goes well tomorrow!